Engage. Create. Socialize
Cloud9Projects is a non-profit group that fosters creative thinking and social engagement between people and communities. Our events instil elements of fun, challenge and creativity. More importantly, we encourage connectedness while helping you improve your social, mental & physical strength.

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Founded in Perth since 2013, we are a bunch of restless individuals always curious to meet interesting people, learn new things, and share novel ideas. If you too are restless and curious, come join us and let's create good fun together that is both fulfilling and engaging for the community!

Event Sponsors:
Prize Sponsors:


Got an idea that you just can't quit? Got some feedback you want to share with us? A challenge you think we could help? A brilliant opportunity you want to collaborate on? Or do you just want a big hug from us? Contact us via this form. We would be happy to hear from you :)


Thank You